I'z married now..I'z married now!!, from the voice of Sophia in "The Color Purple" If you havent watched that movie lately, one of my all time faves that I could watch 6 times a year, go watch it now.
After more than 8 years, we decided to make it official, I am glad. It's been probably 5 years of whether, on a day off together during the week to "go get the marriage liscense or go to Lee Lees or Costco" The grocery stores always won. I kid you not. We love a good grocery store.
McP is taking this marriage thing very serious, the day after our very nice and sweet nuptials, he told me that he thought he best be more responsible, as he drove slower that day, and turned the crooked corner to our street a little less reckless. Thats what it took? marriage? Good gravy Davy...
Love, the McP's
3 years ago